Tulum Mexico
A soft aqua wave lapping on a white sand beach beneath a dark suntopped cloud.
Ek' Balam, Mexico
A misty morning in Ek Balam looking over the jungle canopy of rich emeralds and sunlit green with the Ek Balam pyramid on the horizon
Volcan de Agua
looking through the humid atmosphere at the volcanic summit of Volcan de Agua, from a vantage point on Volcan de Pacaya
Volcan de Pacaya
looking up the dark basalt lava flow towards the summit of Volcan de Pacaya. Lush green jungle growing back in on either side
Old Church in Antigua Guatemala
warm evening light illuminates the standing facade of an old stone church
Clouds in the facade
Intricate stone work details and exposed brick contrasts with the bright greens and flowering yellows of weeds that have grown on an earthquake damaged church window which now opens to soft white clouds in a deep blue sky
Green to Waters Below
An old concrete guard rail sticks out amongst the vines and trees that cover a steep hill down to the aqua blue water of lake atitlan below
Lago de Atitlan towards Panajachel
A view of the cerulean windswept waters of Lago de Atitlan looking towards Volcan de San Pedro and the lush green of the hills framing the lake and the sky
Volcan de Atitlan from Panajachel
An overcast evening sunset that glows orange and pink, the valley of Panajachel frames Volcan de Atitlan.
Uaxactun Ruins
at the main temple complex of Uaxactun where white plastered faces stand out of the stepped temples covered in moss and lichens
Tikal Sunrise
A hazy golden morning looking out over the jungle surrounding Tikal's largest temples that stand above the treeline
Tikal Living Spaces
Looking at the facade of one of Tikal's living spaces two stacked openings giving access to inside the building and flanked by ferns and bromeliads
Rabinal Countryside
 A humid day with large puffy clouds patching the landscape with sun and shade.  the mountains in the distance rising above the valley of farms and scrubland trees
Antigua Ruins
The ruins of a large brick and white plaster wall catching the orange rays of sunset
Nighttime Antigua
The front of a church at night with three biblical figures illuminated above the archway of the door
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